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RV Roof

Beef up your RV Seam & Seals with RV Roof Magic and you’ll avoid costly reactions later…!!

RVs face a lot of exposures that can lead to damage to the exterior, particularly the roof. In fact, RV roof takes the toughest toll while on the road and the most common problem that occurs is leaking. Investing in the right RV roof repair sealant is the best way to get the rid of leaking and put your RV on the track again.

How does water get in?

Your RV roof has intrusions in the roof material to allow place for things such as AC vents, skylights and pipes. Your RV roof will also have seams if it isn’t made from one solid piece. All of these places where there are gaps can let the water to get in and makes its way inside the interior of the RV. The vents and other openings in the RV roof should be repair with the right repair sealant to keep the moisture out. Also make quick inspections a habit and look for loose or damaged caulking.

A solution to the problem

RV Roof Magic is the best all round solution to loose seams. The application process is fairly easy. Clean the RV roof surface from dirt, debris and any loose material. Allow the surface to dry properly and let the sealant to set and cure properly. It will take few hours for the sealant to dry for touch and at-least 24-hours to cure properly. If handling a bucket is difficult for you use a caulk gun instead.

You can be proactive

Don’t wait for the leaks to happen you have to be protective from the start and make through inspections a habit. Instead of patching leaks somewhere, go ahead and apply RV roof seam sealant to all of the seams. Stopping a leak before it happens is the best way to save time, money, and a lot of headaches later. If you wait until you know there is one, you could be looking at an entire roof replacement, as well as repairs and replacements that are pretty much costlier to handle.

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