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RV Roof

How to keep your RV in good condition - A guide for maintaining your RV Roof

As an RV owner the first thing on the annual maintenance list should be the roof. Because it’s the roof which takes the toughest toll while on the road and protects you and rest of the vehicle against Mother Nature’s destructive forces. If the roof is compromise, so will the RV be.

RV Roof Materials:

Understanding the roof type is the starting point of RV roof maintenance. Three different types of materials used on RVs are;

  • EPDM & TPO: Now days Rubber is the most common material used on RVs because of the immense benefits they offer. EPDM and TPO are the two most common types of rubber materials used, each one having their pros & cons and maintenance requirements. EPDM is more affordable and low on maintenance while TPO is ideal for flat roofing.

  • Fiberglass: Fiberglass roofs are more expensive than rubber roofs, they also add weight to the ceiling thus require additional deck reinforcements. Fiberglass roofs also need frequent resealing of seams because their material does not offer flexibility much-needed in extreme temperatures. But fiberglass roofs offer a high quality top-notch solution that some people might prefer.

  • Aluminum: Aluminum is the rarest material used on RV roofs. It shares some properties with fiberglass roofs. Like fiberglass roofs it adds weight to the roof but requires less maintenance than fiberglass roofs.

RV Roof Coating:

No matter which roof material is your RV is made up of, the roof needs care & maintenance. The best approach towards preventive care and maintenance is to apply a protective roof coating e.g., RV Roof Magic on it. An ideal roof coating will restore your old RV roof at a fraction of the cost of new roof. Along with that it water-proofs the roof, block UV-rays and not affected by ponding.

RV Roof Caulking:

Since the seams over the roof crack overtime, you need to reseal all the trim, windows, doors and anywhere else where water can get in. Before applying any roof coating it is advisable to seal the seams or caulk the areas around AC /fan vents or around windows.

RV Roof Covers:

If you keep your RV outdoors or under the trees, then an RV cover is a good thing to keep dirt and debris away from your roof. Beside that RV cover allows any moisture that accumulates to evaporate quickly. But it’s not advisable to keep RV under cover for longer periods as it can cause mold & mildew to grow.

RV Roof Air Conditioners:

An RV roof air conditioner is quite a luxury to have on these hot summer days which you have spent outside doing swimming or biking. As RV roof air conditioner does a tough job of keeping your RV cool, it’s the most energy using hungry appliance. As with RV roof the air-conditioner also requires yearly maintenance. So, keep a check on that.

RV Roof Racks:

RV roof is an extremely good add-on to have to carry and store extra equipment while you travel. Luggage, bikes and any other thing can be transported to your RV roof if you have the right rack to carry them. Make sure the rack is sealed and caulked around the areas where it is attached to the roof to avoid leakage.

RV Ladders:

If you need to do any maintenance on the roof or store anything on the rood, you definitely need a ladder to get up there. RV ladders are mostly found on the back of RV but depending on what type of RV you have, they could also be found on the side, or even the front of the RV in some rare cases. Most RVs come with pre-equipped ladders if not you can purchase one form the market.

RV Roof Replacement

At some point in time your RV roof will be needing replacement. The best way to find out is go for self-inspection or hire professional services. If, the damage is less it can be repaired with roof coating e.g., RV Roof Magic and if the damage is extensive you will need to replace the roof all-together. Replacing the roof is a big job so it is advisable to seek professional help.

If you’re in the process of evaluating RV roof products and need technical data visit, and for a complete RV roofing guide visit,

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