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RV Expert Series- How To De-winterize Your RV…!!!

When winter is over, it’s time for the RVers to get out and hit the camp ground. But first it’s time to get your RV ready for spring season. Before you pack up with your family and head to campground, spend a day checking out your vehicle and preparing it for a season ahead. There are many issues which require attention and if not attended can cause issues. Spending time on de-winterizing RV will surely ensure a safe and hassle free RV season.

Every RV varies in its de winterizing needs; however there are some basic steps which apply to all RVs.

· Charge the battery

RV batteries may have been cold and unused all winter now its time to recharge them by removing exterior covers. Battery charging might take few hours to days depending upon their size. If you have more than four batteries than it’s good to charge them overnight to be on the safer side.

· Tires

While in storage the tires lost some 2 to 3 pounds per square inch pressure on average. Check each tire including the spare ones and inflate them to proper pressure according to their weight.

· Exterior

Inspect the RV exterior especially for leaks. Give your RV a through wash using mild detergents. Inspect the roof; look for any loose caulk or cracks. Recoat the roof with RV Roof Magic if needed. Also check the motor home for exterior damage, check lights and signals as well.

· Interior

Also give interior of the RV a proper cleaning. While cleaning you probably find spider webs, dirt, debris and other loose material. Clean out every corner including the kitchen, restrooms and other compartments.

· Propane on board

If your RV is on propane than its time to remove them from storage put them back on their mount. Connect your propane hose to your rig and check for pressure, refill the tanks if necessary.

· Check the pipes

Check for cracks in drain pipe. Turn water on and let it run. If there are leaks than you need to repair them before they get worse. Use flash lights to find leaks on the edge of toilet. Water leaks can cause serious problems in the long run so it is necessary to get rid of them before they can cause serious damage.

· Appliances

Test all appliances in electric mode to make sure they are running. Check the outside covers for heater and refrigerator and make sure they are clean and trash free.

· Sanitize your water system

RV water system can be a possible source for mould and bacteria, so it is necessary to sanitize the RV water system before use. Use household bleach and mix it with water into one-gallon container and put it into fresh water holding tank.

· Check Engine, Fuel & Brakes

Start the engine; make sure it starts without any hiccups. Also check the brakes. While parked press the brakes make sure you feel the right amount of pressure and the paddle does not descend to the floor.

· RV Safety Items

Make an operational test of LP gas leak detector and smoke alarm. Also inspect fire extinguishers, make sure they are fully charged. Recharge or replace them as necessary. Your RV should always contain medical emergency tool kit. Along with medical tool kit your RV gear should contain things like a flashlight, knife, batteries, rubber gloves, matches, and more.

It’s always good to get advice from experts or visit website to read further about ultimate RVing guide.

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