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RV Roof

Tips to Make Your RV Shine on the Road

Care and maintenance of RV is an important step in maintaining the safety, reliability, and overall look of your trailer. There is nothing worse than living in an RV system where things are not working properly. A lot of RV issues can be solved if you have the knowledge where the problem is coming from and then self-diagnosing the solution. When you are new to RVing, RV maintenance & repairs might look complicated and overwhelming but with right kind tools and tips, repairs can become easy.

#1- Let’s start with Basics:

· Road side assistance

No matter what kind or size of rig you have, road side assistance is a must have option. You don’t want to lose in the wilderness when your rig needs some pushing or towing. With big rigs it is more important as they require special equipment and expertise.

· Repair maintenance budget

At some point in time your RV will need repairs, so it is wise that you save some dollars every year for annual maintenance and repair work. The bigger the RV is the more the savings should be.

#2- Focus On Details:

· Read your manual

Reading your RV manual is a must read activity. RV manual not only tells you about different systems in your RV it also recommends you about the services that you should perform, how often they should be performed.

· Check out YouTube for basic stuff

In the era of digital world YouTube is the best resource to know about basic service items which you want to perform yourself. There are tons of useful videos posted by veteran RVers about handling of basic RV repairs and maintenance work. Keep a track of everything that’s get done by you or by professionals.

#3- Finding the place for service:

If your RV struck in the middle of nowhere than you don’t have much choice as most road side assistance program will tow your RV to the nearest facility. But if possible negotiate with them to tow your vehicle someplace more trusted and recommended.

· Talk To Other RVers

Talk to other veteran RVers as they can recommend good spots based upon the experience they had. There are many active members on RV forums and Facebook group communities where you can ask for reliable service spots.

· Establish A Regular Stop

A regular repair spot can be good for annual maintenance and repair work especially if you have developed good working relationship with them. Just like family doctors who know your medical history, people at regular service shop can diagnose and fix your RV repairs more correctly.

#4- Dealing With Pets:

· Hang At The Shop During The Day

Some repairs shop have waiting room where you can sit and wait while work is done on you RV and they also allow you to carry pets with you like dog or cat but if not than you have to make decision like where to put them. You can put them at the inside back of your rig with doors closed. OR

· OR Find A Hotel

If your rig is getting through a major repair work or you can’t sit on-site all the time than the best option is to find a pet friendly hotel nearby and hang out there.

#5- Signs that it’s Time to Upgrade Your RV

· Your RV’s first name becomes “Stupid”

Whether you buy a new RV or a used one sooner you will find out why the old owner sold it or where the manufacturer have cut the costs. If these issues bother you, soon will you start calling your RV a “stupid RV” than this is the time to upgrade.

· Your RV spends more time in the shop than on the road:

RV needs repair but if it has become a continuous phenomenon and your RV spends more time in the repair shop than on the road, then it’s time to put the “For Sale” on it and make a fair deal out of it.

· Your RV seems to be shrinking:

When you travel full time on RV you also have to work on professional assignments as well or when your kids grow up a time will reach when your old RV starts shrinking and not meeting the space requirements then its time to upgrade.

Have a pricy question or need expert opinion visit, or visit, to prepare your RV Roof for the next adventure.

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